Stage 1: Preprocessing

Files and parameters

Input files

Filename Description
{session}_T1 T1 MRI
{session}_PD PD MRI
{session}_T2 T2 MRI
{session}_FL FLAIR MRI (optional)


Parameter Description
Coregistration threshold -t1t 0.X -t2t 0.X -pdt 0.X -flt 0.X
bet threshold -f 0.X
TIV-E threshold -p 0.X -t2t 0.X -t2reg

Output files

Filename Description
{session}_T1_IHCpre T1 MRI corrected for inhomogeneity using N4 (intermediate file)
{session}_PD_IHCpre PD MRI corrected for inhomogeneity using N4 (intermediate file)
{session}_T2_IHCpre T2 MRI corrected for inhomogeneity using N4 (intermediate file)
{session}_FL_IHCpre FLAIR MRI corrected for inhomogeneity using N4 (intermediate file)
{session}_PD_IHCpre_inT1 PD MRI coregistered and resliced to T1 acquisition space
{session}_T2_IHCpre_inT1 T2 MRI coregistered and resliced to T1 acquisition space
{session}_FL_IHCpre_inT1 FLAIR MRI coregistered and resliced to T1 acquisition space
{session}_TIVauto Total Intracranial Volume Extraction (TIV-E) mask
{session}_T1_IHCpre_iso Isotropic T1
{session}_T1_IHCpre_iso_086 Isotropic T1 with a forced 0.86 voxel size
{session}_T1_IHCpre_toACPC.mat T1-to-ACPC rotation matrix

Quality check

Filename Description
{session}_*_inT1 Check coregistration by comparing the resliced images to the T1
{session}_TIVauto Check TIV mask and manually fix under and over erosions using instructions found in Stage 2
{session}_T1_IHCpre_toACPC.mat Check to ensure that ACPC matrix accurately rotates the T1 into ACPC space using instructions found in Stage 3

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Stage 2: Total Intracranial Vault Extraction (TIV-E)

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